Hooray! Diabolos is dead sangout through the halls of Pso'xja this morning!! After what seemed to be the perfect start to the gathering this morning, it fell apart, but eventually was saved. Everyone had farmed thier chips and recieved thier Pso'xja passes from the tenshodo as requested and we even had acquired a new tank by the name of Torgar (or something) who had not only Ninja levelled, but paladin also and was on 3-5 as well.
However, Just as we were teleporting to Vahzl we get a /tell from him saying he wasn't coming due to some lame reason -.-....Big suprise was 15 mins later he was sitting in Lower Jeuno seeking...as a lvl 33 Ninja!!! like...seriously...wtf >.>
After an hour of spamming for assistance, a Ninja in need of 3-5 responded and accepted to help out with the mission. So once again we packed up and headed off to the fight! After me rambling off the strategy for the fight I was nervous, as I was the only one who could stun his AOE attacks. I configured my chat filters so that I could only see Diabolos's special attacks, and in actuality had blocked it entirely and we went in...got Nightmare right off the bat, and Ranger spammed barrage and died instantly, and needless to say, we fell like flies.

Soooo after working that embarresing dry-run out of our systems we tried again, and OMG we kicked his ass! Im saying, all up only 200 +/- damage was taken by our party the ENTIRE fight and I successfully stunned all five attempts by Diabolos at using Nightmare!!!! I was so proud that when we had him at 30% I realised none of us had used our 2 hours so I gave the order! After just one Aerial Blast...he was history! Goodbye chapter 3, hello Oruyu!!!!
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