Overgrown Ivy: I meet my match :o
So for a certain CoP mission (3-2 i believe) I had to venture into Carpenters Landing an dtake on a nasty testosterone packed, fugly Malboro on steroids....

Silly me in my haste decided that checking the guide before approaching the NPC guy was a waste of time, and alas, BANG!!! spwans the NM who immediately uses Hundred Fists on my unprepped ass! I had no food, no buffs, no gear :P needless to say I fell hard and I fell fast :D

In a high state of embarresment i HP'd all the way back to Jeuno with my tail between my stumpy legs and decided maybe undertaking the cop missions solo when i hadnt slept in over 28 hours wasnt s uch a crash hot idea as only that morning had I undertaken the 2-5 static and had yet to even rest my head as I was far too excited about getting asap to 3-5!!!

Later that night another CoP static friend (Narnia) sent me a /tell asking me to come along to help her out as she was 75THF and was scared she would not handle the Hundred Fists attack.....WE kncoke dit flat in under 20 seconds :3 just enought ime for me to solo renkei a light skillchain! HAX ftw!

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