Perhaps the most exciting thing however since my last post was my recent addition to a CoP static named OnebyOne headed by Narnia. I was sought out by Shintaro last week as he knew I had SMN beyond 40 and asked if I was keen to progress, to which I gave an estatic "OMFGYESPRZZZZ!!!"

So we set a time to attempt 2-5 which was Sunday 2pm est US, or 4am Monday morning for me @.@.....However, my determinantion to finally get Diabolos and sea pushed me on. So like clockwork we all gathered together in jeuno at 4am and headed to Tavnazia. It took us approximately an hour to get ready and make our way to the displacement entrance to Riverine site #A01.

We progressed through the zone and luckily collected 2 Dragon Scales on the first 2 dragons we encountered! :D From there it was a simple "follow-the-leader" to the entrance of the arena and there we prepared to meet our biggest mission challenge thus far. The setup was Smn/whm (me), Whm/Blm (Syano), Rng/Nin (Narnia), Rng/NIn (Shintaro), Nin/War (Tiaarin) and Rdm/Whm (Arwin). We basically attempted about 5 times before calling it quits for the day >.>
We came very close 3 of those times killing 1 of the Mammets early on, however our method was for me to kite and Arwin (the Rdm/whm) kiting the second one with Bind > gravity > running like hell! while the third was hit with the melee. However, she admitted (after the 2nd wipe -.-) that she had never kited before and couldnt handle it as her darkness skill was way below the cap and therefore gravity/bind rarely stuck!

After initial furious and heated complaints between the rest of us in /tells we decided to try again with the method of one of the Rangers assisting her kite by gaining hate when her HP was dipping, and the resulting cures would regain hate onto her allowing her to continue kiting. However, the RDM decided this meant she could be slack and just stand still and melee which led to another wipe. As soon as she fell I would have to kite 2 mammets which unfortunately wouldnt last long as Carby was falling faster then I could recast.

We re-scheduled until the same time next week for round 2. However, as I logged in at 4am Narnia announced 2 of the members had RL arrangements and we would re-schedule to Monday morning of the Oct. 30th....thus also allowing time for the RDM to be dropped in replace for another SMN.
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