Mission 7-2 : Team A = Tarutaru Power Strike!
So after I had helped out Xamer we move donto the Windy mission. First stop: Altepa for OP home.....until I realised (post xamer OP) that I was yet to complete this run, and had inadvertantly set my homepoint...for 4000g!!! gah!

So after Xam-xam came back to save me we got the mission orders and headed to tele-yhoat where *someone* decided to make friends with the entire Yuhtunga Jungle, indeed scaring the heeby-jeebers out of the poor noobettess on the way.

and finally we made it to the Temple of ugly-mugs and attempted the NM, but got agro before we had time to max out mp and Tp which led to us escaping with him at 30%! But we tried again and...whooped...his...ass! and thank god he never got off Everyone's Rancor!

Was super dooper fun times!!!

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