Astara's other other cage

A blow-by-blow tale of Astara and his dealings with the world in which we can humbly dream of...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Keeper of Dreams awaknes too thee

Last night I was setting my alarm for bed in preparation for my first ever Kirin run with my godly HNMLS ‘RosesForTheDead’, I see a shout ring out from Whitegate urgently seeking a Samurai for the Diabolos Prime fight! Naturally as I am currently undertaking leveling Summoner as my main job I was crazy excited about finally completing my Avatar magic list with the addition of Diabolos to my collection!

I hastily jumped at the chance and was ecstatic to be accepted. The party was 5/6 and so I made the 6/6 and within minutes (after me spending an entire Ethiopian economy on meds) we were headed to the Shrouded Maw for the fated fight.
I must admit I was highly dubious of our chances as I had heard nothing but horror filled screams of the difficulty this fight entails. So we buffed up to full TP and we headed in with the following setup:


So we all jump in and get drawn in immediately and as soon as the Warrior had provoked it was game on! I managed to spam out 5 ws in under 15 seconds for a total of 4312 damage!!! With Diabolos having approx 9k HP I was stoked to have ‘almost’ wiped the floor with him all by myself!!! We had completely destroyed Diabolos within 30 seconds and he only cast Noctoshield the entire fight – that’s right NO 2hr and NO sleepga!! :D

Im soooo happy to be 1/1 on him and now have officially capped off my Avatar collection! Ah god bless random pick-up parties that break the game!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, you seriously need to get a life.....

2:55 PM, February 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually considering i seldom see you online, you have a life outside Vana'diel! :P

2:32 AM, February 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and CONGRATS on beating diabolos (nice damage!), and clearing CoP chapter 5 etc. :D

Hrm. Osode's down to 7mil now @bazaar central =/

2:40 AM, February 23, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Damn 7mil.... Im hating deflation more now than the peak of the inflation where at least I was making upto a mil of each Ore harvested.../sigh

9:36 AM, February 23, 2007  

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